Sex & Acid Reflux: GERD After Intercourse?

In 1986, Alan J.B. Kirk coined the term “reflux dyspareunia” – to describe the specific phenomenon of heartburn (i.e. acid reflux) during sex. At the time, Kirk discovered that 77% of women (77/100) with gastroesophageal reflux – experienced heartburn during sexual intercourse vs. just 5% of women (5/100) without gastroesophageal reflux experienced heartburn during reflux. …

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Weight Loss & Acid Reflux (GERD & LPR)

How being overweight/obese may cause reflux… Emerenziani et al. (2020) highlighted a variety of ways in which obesity could contribute to reflux conditions (e.g. GERD) and a host of other gastrointestinal disorders. (R) Transient LES relaxation (TLESR): This is thought to be the primary mechanism by which being overweight/obese causes/exacerbates reflux. The primary stimulus for …

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Talking Worsens Reflux (GERD & LPR)

The reason I wrote this article is because I’ve subjectively noticed on repeated occasions, that the mere act of “talking” (i.e. speaking) significantly seems to worsen my laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) condition – even when stress is extremely low (relaxation is high). How “talking” could cause or exacerbate reflux (Mechanisms) Talking/speaking may significantly worsen reflux for …

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Milk, Dairy, & Acid Reflux (GERD & LPR)

I generally enjoy consuming low-fat dairy products (e.g. Greek yogurt, whey protein, cottage cheese) because they have great “protein-to-calorie” ratios. That said, I’m currently dealing with a case of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and wanted to determine what the scientific literature said regarding dairy and reflux. Milk + Dairy & Acid Reflux (Research) Included below are …

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Acid Reflux & Dizziness (GERD & LPR)

A subset of individuals with acid reflux syndromes will experience a phenomenon unofficially referred to as “acidic vertigo.” Some may also call this “reflux vertigo” or “acidic labyrinthitis.” Others will just say that they experience “dizziness” as a byproduct of acid reflux. In most of these cases, the underlying mechanisms are likely similar. Mechanisms of …

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PPI Worsening Reflux: Why Does This Happen?

On various websites and forums, there are reports of PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors) causing worse reflux than before using them (i.e. pre-PPI baseline). Additionally, many alternative health practitioners (e.g. naturopaths, chiropractors, etc.) promote the idea that PPIs always worsen reflux – and many people legitimately believe this to be accurate. The truth is that while a …

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