NAC for OCD: An Effective Treatment Option?

NAC has been suggested as a treatment for OCD. It’s likely that NAC can improve OCD symptoms in a subset of persons with OCD – but not everyone. This is because individuals differ in gene expression, brain morphology, neurochemistry, hormones, and general physiology (influencing OCD and reactions to NAC). What is NAC? N-acetylcysteine – or …

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Stretta Procedure for GERD & LPR: Does It Work?

Stretta is a minimally-invasive procedure that delivers a series of radiofrequency bursts to the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) to enhance both tone and integrity of the LES via induction of fibrosis and/or hypertrophy. It is thought that enhancement of LES tone and integrity can improve certain chronic reflux conditions such as: GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and …

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Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Gimmick or Legit?

The year of 2017 was relatively miserable for me.  I received 5 different diagnoses from 5 different doctors for the same set of symptoms.  All of the medical professionals that I saw had done their best to accurately diagnose and treat the insidious bilateral hand pain that unexpectedly emerged in late February 2017.  My initial …

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