Amitriptyline for LPR: Will An Antidepressant Really Help?

A subset of LPR patients may exhibit underlying abnormalities in autonomic nervous system (ANS) function and/or brain activation – which causes and/or sustains the LPR condition. Another subset of “LPR patients” may actually have a functional esophageal disorder or a somatic symptom disorder wherein either: connections in the brain are erroneous (functional) or anxiety is …

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Fosamprenavir (Lexiva) for LPR: An HIV Drug Treats Reflux?

There is a considerable amount of evidence suggesting that pepsin, a common digestive enzyme, is involved in the pathogenesis/pathophysiology of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) disease. (R) Specifically, it is thought that pepsin ends up refluxed into the laryngopharynx from the stomach whereafter it causes damage, inflammation, and dysfunction of the: cells, tissue, mucosal membranes, nerves, and/or …

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Acid Reflux & Eyes (GERD & LPR): Pain & Burning Sensations

Can acid reflux affect the eyes? Yes. It is most common with extra-esophageal (i.e. supra-esophageal) variants such as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) or nasopharyngeal reflux (NPR). In some cases, severe GERD may cause eye-related symptoms as well. That said, GERD will not typically cause eye symptoms of the same severity and/or frequency as LPR/NPR. Disclaimer: You …

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Chewing Gum for Acid Reflux (GERD & LPR): Does It Help?

In late 2021 I began experiencing persistent “globus sensation” accompanied by a “burning sensation” in the back of my throat. An urgent care doctor diagnosed sinusitis but suspected that acid reflux could be the cause – and thus referred me to an ENT who diagnosed GERD/LPR. Prior to my diagnosis, I searched for natural things …

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Acid Reflux & Ears (GERD & LPR): Concern of Damage?

Can acid reflux affect the ears? Yes. It is most common with extraesophageal variations of reflux such as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and nasopharyngeal reflux (NPR). Severe GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may also cause intermittent ear-related symptoms as well. That said, standard GERD does NOT typically reach extraesophageal regions and is less likely to cause significant …

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Can Reflux Be Cured? (GERD & LPR)

Can reflux diseases be cured? It depends. Sometimes the answer is a resounding “YES” and other times the answer is a probable “NO.” Curability of a reflux condition will vary depending upon 3 factors: 1. Underlying cause(s) of the reflux condition This varies among sufferers. For one person it might be obesity, for another it …

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